Inspiring the Future


Welcome to Herb Kohl Philanthropies

Herb Kohl Philanthropies (HKP) continues a legacy of giving that spanned Herb Kohl's truly inspiring career through retail business, professional sports and public service. Today, HKP builds upon his life's work and passion which always prioritized investing in education, the public good and people.

HKP is a private foundation that awards grants to non-profit organizations that are tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Funding is restricted to Wisconsin based organizations with an emphasis on those that benefit the people of the Greater Milwaukee area. Most funding is conducted by invitation only while some funding is the result of HKP-lead initiatives such as the Educational Foundation recognition awards and Learning Journeys. Our reimagined small grants program, Homegrown Grants, is now open to the public and operates on a rolling admission.

About HKP

A leader in the private sector and public service, Herb Kohl lived his life and values for the benefit of Milwaukee and Wisconsin...

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What We Do

Herb Kohl Philanthropies operates as one entity supporting several initiatives, all aimed at improving educational outcomes, economic...

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